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Jawbreakers coverJawbreakers, the 2012 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology, includes commissioned pieces from well-known writers like Ali Smith, Ian Rankin, Tania Hershman, David Gaffney and Vanessa Gebbie, flash fiction from a number of emerging authors, and the winning entries from the National Flash Fiction Day 2012 Micro-Fictions competition.

It also features my flash fiction, PeekabooA good number of my story ideas have grown from something my children have said or done and this story was inspired by my daughter who was eighteen months old at the time of writing and had just discovered, as all toddlers do, that if she covered her eyes she could become invisible. I love that I will always recall my baby girl playing peekaboo when I read this story.

Jawbreakers was edited by NFFD Director Calum Kerr and Bristol Prize 2010 winner Valerie O’Riordan and can be purchased directly from the National Flash Fiction website or in Kindle format from Amazon.